ok setelah setahun aku tinggal kan blog ni hehe..ari ni aku kembali LAGI...
ok next month 15th July 2012, my baby is 6 months.
Can't believe my baby is old enough for food. Time flies.
too excited to feed her 1st solid food. my baby is big enough. love u DARLINGGGG
ok now aku planning to make homemade food for her but .....
>> perlu ke beli FOOD PROCESSOR or just a STEAMER cooker???
harga food processor boleh tahan gak mahalnya. kalau aku beli food processor..aku kena beli food cointaners and freezer trays and emmm...
>> rajin ke aku nak buat homemade food??
kalau dah beli food processor yang mahal tu..tiba2 aku malas nak buat makanan..terasa sangat rugi lak kan..
so aku kena fikir semasak-masaknya sebelum aku membeli *THINKING*
tapi aku nak sangat beli hehe.. kenapa aku nak beli??? ok jom siasat!!
Aku nak Amni makan:-
1. variety of foods.. tak kan nak makan bubur je..macam boring.
2. makanan yang terbaik.. makanan terbaik adalah datang dari rumah kan.
3. healthy foods..homemade purees, organic foods.
of course because im her mother so i will make sure her love what i cook for her!!!
I want the best for my baby. I really hope i can do it for my baby.
Amniiiiii.. Ibu really want buy the food processor. i will discuss with ur Ayah. hope he will give full of sopport...*cheers*wishing*
p/s: dah lama tak main masak-masak...rasanya nak buat food untuk Amni ni macam main masak-masak hehe
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